
2021 May 06 22:51:00
Leon: hax

2009 Jan 16 19:54:06
Jago: lol o.0 where'd this come from

2007 Sep 12 01:06:43
Her3tiC: lol look at this, im 21 and shes 9, and i think she can kick my ass :P

2007 Sep 12 00:56:43
Her3tiC: rofl

2007 Sep 09 19:01:40
king_lane: don't drink while watching it, I spit mine out lol

2007 Sep 07 05:51:12
Her3tiC: hehehe i allmost piss myself from laugh, n1

2007 Sep 05 22:53:04
Jago: n1 lane :)

2007 Sep 04 08:26:17
[king]_Justii!: Nice video Hurrah, but what i loved it's the KENT music :D


2007 Aug 27 16:36:15

2007 Aug 27 13:53:57
king_lane: i'm a fucking UT addict. :/

2007 Aug 26 16:18:49
Weird: i hereby declare that my databases teacher needs to die a very slow and painfull death, kthnx

2007 Aug 26 16:17:24
Weird: bukkake is with 2 k's o.O

2007 Aug 25 17:22:19
budsi: Bukake

2007 Aug 25 13:28:51
tant_raffa: just so evry1 knows. IM AM IN JASPAN and it rocks. really awesome ^^ I'm gonna upload some pictures later for you to look at =)


Editor Question

Started by shinobi, 2006-12-04 16:01:14

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I have a lil question: How can i drop a vehicle booster in a vctf-map. I heard via mutator but i dont got or found that mutator. Then i found a script for diffrent vehicle boosts but i cant make them yet cause i cant script that good. Hm would b nice if any1 got a mutator download link or a example map with a boost in it for download or some. Or maby some1 can explain me but try it the easy way cause me german ya know and dont got all vocables yet smile.  ??? :)


Quote from: shinobi on 2006-12-04 16:01:14
example map with a boost in it for download or some.

Aren't those things in maps like FatJimmys', Bordercrossing or Devilsplayground what you are looking for?


As far i as i know you can't get them with mutators..? but if your really stuck you can copy one from another map.

They can be made in the editor though - so this is probably the easiest option  ;)
- im sure you know most of the brush stuff below, but ill run through the whole process anyway:

1. Click on the builder brush button to create a brush. (size doesnt matter u can resize it later)
2. Select the red builder brush, then right click on the 'add volume' button, and select Karmaboostvolume out of the menu.
3. Move the builder brush out of the way and you should have the karmaboost volume - these volumes are tricky because you cannot rotate the direction of the 'boost' by hand, but you need to use numbers. Oh and now use the vertex editor button to resize the volume to what u like. If you look on most maps with boost volumes, they make it big because all the vehicle must be in the volume for it to work.
4. Click on the Karmaboostvolume's properties, then go to Movement > Rotation. The small red arrow on one of te corners of the brush denotes the 'boost' direction, and to change it you must type numbers into the 'Yaw' field under Movement > Roatation. The values to use are:

0 = Right
16384 = Down
32768 = Left
49152 = Up

As for tilting the boost direction vertically, maby try smaller variants of the above number in the pitch field...but i found the boosts work fine for small jumps when the arrow is flat.

Hope this helps! if it doesnt try looking for some tutorials, maby UnrealWiki  ;) gl with the mapping shinobi


I think i can handle it from ya explain jonny thx. I made that times b4 but volume only worked from down to up in air (smile flying tank). But fatjimmys i couldnt open in editor for some reason so i thought its a mutator or some that is missed in my ut. But anyway thx for fast help all should work smile.  :) ;)


well it works great.


Since the topic here is karmaboost volumes I have a weird problem with those. I am working on a new map with high ramps pimped with tilted boosters on top. While playtesting I ejected out of the vehicle just as the boost had pushed the car up in top speed and the result was me going straight up in the air. And not just a little, it was above stall-Z high. Trick jump delux. The boost volume is just standard with BoostRelative set to true (false dont make any difference btw) and force=30000 affecting only SRV and PRV classes. The ramps will have beams above the path so in the end the only thing that will happen is instant death if ejecting during boost, but this bugs me because I don't know why it happens. Anyone else had the same problem?

I can make some screens when I get home if my explanation is unclear.
I killed Santa


Dunno exactly what u mean but u know me german. I understand it like u got the problem u fly outa the car? Maby download boostarena and copy a boost volume from there and set speed higher. Hope it works. BTW i have made a looping in a test map that works yet with scorpion. Its very funny.  :) ;)  1 more question here for me 2: Does some1 know how to rename a scorpion or get the karmaboost to work with Advanced Amor? edit 1 more Question: Hope jonny reads this 2: Jonny i gave -ruff- the downloadlink to afghanistan-beta3-TPW and now i c he also downloaded ur maps from there and edit them to his server. Hope u dont get angry for that. Hm the maps of u played alot on his server ( Behind enemy lines ) and everybody likes them alot there. First ruff thought i made that maps all, but now i set it clear and told him u made them. BTW maby u should drop ur sign or somin in ya maps if ya make anymore. And now my 2nd Question to annihilator/Jonny: Would u allow me to give -ruff- the download link to the TPW mappack. He wants the Desert-battle remade map cause i told him bout it cause i made a mantarun withhim and directly flyed to the blocking volume cause i thought it was the larger version smile? Ok dont get mad about my crazy sentences and mistakes i know my english is crap :D 3 times cause in 1 sentence too funny call it a special slang smile


Shinobi dragon ninja,

Im fine with anyone downloading my maps, for whatever server, but not editing them. If they want to do that they can ask me, and tell me what they want editing and for what reason. So im not ok with anyone editing my maps.

As for afghan, i consider it as yours shinobi, so 'ruff' can edit it as much as he likes. Anyhow im having a bit of downtime atm so im afraid i cant answer any questions etc on the forum. Hopefully ill be back online soon and i can give an opinion on your new map.

Anyhow, untill then t8 care and happy huntin'

Edit: i've been thinking about making a sign to put on the maps im making, but that means i may have to re release blitz with a sig on it, and im not sure if that's practical considering the downloads it has....we'll see.

Edit:Edit: He wants the Desert-battle remade map cause i told him bout it cause i made a mantarun withhim and directly flyed to the blocking volume cause i thought it was the larger version smile?

- i don't understand this, are you talking about blitz? If you are tell him to please contact me if he wants to edit it. But until then it's a resounding NO.


He asked me for desert-combat-v-anything.... I thought u made that remake. He dont wants to edit anything to ya maps. So my main question is if i can give ruff the downloadlink for the tpw-mappack. I ask that cause iam not really sure what annihilator wrote in the tread with the mappack. Sounded a bit like that pack is only for members not for public but dunno maby i got that wrong so better askin for it here?  :) Btw if u find some time download the new map for a test. U wont c the gameplay from a picture but u know. Itz a funmap and if ya play it 1 day try drivin with a scorpion and jump (with speed) out of the road on the shield. Then jump back in the map and drive the inside circul or with bender u can use all circuls. If u do that ina line with both shields it gets ya to a nice speed. And ya i try making the other maps better. But iam also making new maps and try out new stuff cause i can only get better if i make much and test around so maby in future maps get better or i learn new stuff and make a new version of older maps. :)


It's quite simple, and ought to be self-explanatory: those who have access to the thread which houses the link to the pack - have access to the pack itself. If it says it's not made for redistribution, then those who have access should not delegate it to those who don't.


K got it sry my english isnt good yet there always some vocables missing.  :)


Quote from: Annihilator on 2007-01-26 17:59:23
It's quite simple, and ought to be self-explanatory: those who have access to the thread which houses the link to the pack - have access to the pack itself. If it says it's not made for redistribution, then those who have access should not delegate it to those who don't.

Ok fair enough, i didnt realise that shinobi was talking about that...and no the only desert maps i've edited/made are blitz and afghan - so im afraid i cant help you with anything about desert-combat. I don't know whats in the mappack, but is seems fair that it is available to people who take the time to register with tPW and join the community.

Annihilator: Sorry the completion of most of my maps is taking so long - but i rly hav't had time to use the editor for a while. Ill try and get some finals out asap - and try and sort out some kind of logo for em'.  ;)


Hi@all. I got another question to the editor and maby any1 can help me. Iam working on a map with lots of rotating movers. Well the movers work all good. But they throw a shadow that is static from the position it got in the beginning. So here is my question: Is there a way to get a dynamic shadow for a mover so that the shadow moves with the actor? I also tryed dynamic lights and b shadows enable but failed yet. Or if that isnt possible with the editor is their a way to retake a shadow from a mover so that there is nun shadow anymore for it? hope some1 knows about it.  :) ;) hf cya


shinobi, u have made ​​that signature?