
2021 May 06 22:51:00
Leon: hax

2009 Jan 16 19:54:06
Jago: lol o.0 where'd this come from

2007 Sep 12 01:06:43
Her3tiC: lol look at this, im 21 and shes 9, and i think she can kick my ass :P

2007 Sep 12 00:56:43
Her3tiC: rofl

2007 Sep 09 19:01:40
king_lane: don't drink while watching it, I spit mine out lol

2007 Sep 07 05:51:12
Her3tiC: hehehe i allmost piss myself from laugh, n1

2007 Sep 05 22:53:04
Jago: n1 lane :)

2007 Sep 04 08:26:17
[king]_Justii!: Nice video Hurrah, but what i loved it's the KENT music :D


2007 Aug 27 16:36:15

2007 Aug 27 13:53:57
king_lane: i'm a fucking UT addict. :/

2007 Aug 26 16:18:49
Weird: i hereby declare that my databases teacher needs to die a very slow and painfull death, kthnx

2007 Aug 26 16:17:24
Weird: bukkake is with 2 k's o.O

2007 Aug 25 17:22:19
budsi: Bukake

2007 Aug 25 13:28:51
tant_raffa: just so evry1 knows. IM AM IN JASPAN and it rocks. really awesome ^^ I'm gonna upload some pictures later for you to look at =)


Taskmaster flushed himself

Started by Renderer, 2008-07-03 01:10:30

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A disturbing conversation took place in #tPW today. Log:

I'll highlight the most important parts:

[21:51] <Taskmaster> well i just use a standard wallhack
[21:51] <Taskmaster> can't allow the opponent to hide from me
[21:51] <Morpheus[ApA]> LOL
[21:52] <Taskmaster> ?
[21:52] <Taskmaster> it's not that big of a deal really
[21:52] <Taskmaster> just shows you where the opponent is

[22:25] <Taskmaster>

[01:08] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> bolol lol
[01:08] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> don't say anything
[01:08] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> don't
[01:08] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:08] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> just act surprised
[01:08] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> if you screw this up i'll hang you
[01:09] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> the joke has only begun :DDD
[01:09] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> task is a cheatar
[01:09] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> the vctf community trembles
[01:09] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> under this new truth
[01:10] <mustap-> <Taskmaster> lol

As I see it there are two possibilities:

a) Taskmaster is a cheater and should be shot.

b) He is undermining the credibility of tPW and trying to forfeit our war with ApA as he was talking to a member of ApA clan. Such a statement by Taskmaster requires some very disturbed sense of humor and complete lack of understanding what the consequnces might be.

Either way he has flushed himself.


Someone should carefully analyze the ApA vs. tPW demos. In case he really was using the hax in that hunt, the maps on which he hunted are to be declared autoloss.

As for the "joke", if it was one - I ain't laughing.


lol I am actually quite amused how the events are unfolding themselves, please, by all means, do proceed with the witch hunt. At this point I guess I should explain this a bit, but... I mean, lookit ya all, united in a war against big bad cheaters. I can feel the loving warmth of human unity against such a prime evil like me.

As a sidenote, I myself saw some interesting IRC quotes too.

<Morpheus[ApA]> Taskmaster said it himself he was usign a radar mod, he even posted a picture of it. and had all the time to react to Renderer before he got kicked.
<Marie[ApA]> who is stuid enough to make a "joke" on something like cheating in UT.. as it is very under highlish atm..
<Marie[ApA]> stupid
<Marie[ApA]> stupid
<mustap-> taskmaster
<Marie[ApA]> i know :P what i ment was that he is lyeing it was a joke

I must say that Marie here showed almost superhuman keenness. She saw right through my vain attempt of fixing what is now unfixable, it's like she's psychic. Are you psychic, Marie?

As for Renderer, just gunna say here that you're missing out a possibility that's even more possible than both your possibilities combined. If you ever see it, be sure to update us.



a) You're a bit ahead when you say that nobody has brought up any evidence that I use that radar online(lol). Nobody has yet brought up any evidence about the picture itself. Only thing they have is my word, but can they trust the word of a cheater?

QuoteAs for Taskmaster he owes an apology, I know he ll never give.

And they call me a joker...


Theres only one way.

Did you cheat?

1. Yes
2. No

(for all clarity)


< Current Lolthread >

Look at that pic... Do you really think it's a radar? Or have you seen an aimbot? Because I've seen some, caught like 10 cheaters already aswell. A radar doesn't look like that, it's not GTA4 :) A radar in Ut clearly shows your opponent through walls, his HP and / or the weapon he's using. No I'm not using aimbots, etc, but I've tested some different hacks a while ago, to learn how to recognize it, and never used and will never use it online. As vCTF being a chaotic gametype, with that radar on that pic (which is pure photoshop radar imo), Taskmaster wouldn't be really able to see opponents well, it's like a bunch of ants tbh :> So imo he isn't cheating. I might be wrong tho, but I would be really disappointed if he was cheating, since I know him for a while.
'Danger warning levels hissed out loud
I saw the silver lining hidden in a mushroom cloud
Now I'm reeling from the shock at ground zero'


I dont think that the point is if he cheated or not.For me that matter is clear. It is that (with his will or not/i am sure its the latter) he offended some ppl with this kind of joke and gave the opportunity to the enemy (who grabbed it immediately) to question what was a fair victory for him and tpw as a whole.


You know, mustap... offended?

I should be concerned if someone got offended by a statement I made that had absolutely nothing to do with the said offendees, but they shouldn't be concerned if I got offended by a direct attack on me on a public site, even adding some insults?

How about I get an apology here mustap? What do you think of that?


Btw just read the log.

[21:52] <Taskmaster> lol did you think i knew where you are with sound only
[21:52] <Taskmaster> that's impossible
[21:53] <Taskmaster> saw you on my radar
[21:53] <Taskmaster> duel radar v 2.1
[21:53] <Morpheus[ApA]> erhh what ?
[21:54] <Taskmaster> nobody can know where his opponent is going or are the weapons available
[21:54] <Taskmaster> that's why there are radars for that

It's possible to know where your opponent is. You need sounds + map knowledge. KABOOM! Lowering the rolloff helps a lot to hear well. For example I couldn't stand a chance when I played my toughest 1v1, vs Tr!lance, who's a really good div1 TDM player (from vital, bizarrRe and HFD), if I couldn't hear and know exactly where he is. And timing weapons is hard, but not impossible. Mustap: you don't need to count the seconds if you're not sure when the 100 shield is. After picking it up add 5 seconds to the timer, and you only have to remind the next spawntime then :)
'Danger warning levels hissed out loud
I saw the silver lining hidden in a mushroom cloud
Now I'm reeling from the shock at ground zero'


I guess Taskmaster was just messing with the head of Morph, a guy who never play 1on1 or even TAM. Taskmaster could have let it stay as a joke instead of letting it create this e-drama imo. Personally I don't hold this against tPW since I believe it was a fair victory, but I don't speak for ApA here.
I killed Santa


Quote from: .t3h_krAven. on 2008-07-05 16:34:41
As vCTF being a chaotic gametype, with that radar on that pic (which is pure photoshop radar imo), Taskmaster wouldn't be really able to see opponents well, it's like a bunch of ants tbh :> So imo he isn't cheating. I might be wrong tho, but I would be really disappointed if he was cheating, since I know him for a while.

1. LoLy, proly it was made in paint :P
2. I don't think he cheat, i know him for a long time now, and he is just good :)

Peace xD and lol @ joke tasky :)


"almost online"


'Danger warning levels hissed out loud
I saw the silver lining hidden in a mushroom cloud
Now I'm reeling from the shock at ground zero'


