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2021 May 06 22:51:00
Leon: hax

2009 Jan 16 19:54:06
Jago: lol o.0 where'd this come from

2007 Sep 12 01:06:43
Her3tiC: lol look at this, im 21 and shes 9, and i think she can kick my ass :P

2007 Sep 12 00:56:43
Her3tiC: rofl

2007 Sep 09 19:01:40
king_lane: don't drink while watching it, I spit mine out lol

2007 Sep 07 05:51:12
Her3tiC: hehehe i allmost piss myself from laugh, n1

2007 Sep 05 22:53:04
Jago: n1 lane :)

2007 Sep 04 08:26:17
[king]_Justii!: Nice video Hurrah, but what i loved it's the KENT music :D


2007 Aug 27 16:36:15

2007 Aug 27 13:53:57
king_lane: i'm a fucking UT addict. :/

2007 Aug 26 16:18:49
Weird: i hereby declare that my databases teacher needs to die a very slow and painfull death, kthnx

2007 Aug 26 16:17:24
Weird: bukkake is with 2 k's o.O

2007 Aug 25 17:22:19
budsi: Bukake

2007 Aug 25 13:28:51
tant_raffa: just so evry1 knows. IM AM IN JASPAN and it rocks. really awesome ^^ I'm gonna upload some pictures later for you to look at =)



Started by ReYd3n, 2007-06-12 09:12:45

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Hi there.

I request a ban against JonnyB for unacceptable behavior ... See yourself :



It will be wiped on sight.


Please don't confuse him with me!...he's just immature and obviously the server doesn't need that kind of trash talk.

My name will probably be Jonny^ just so i can play on the titan server withought being renamed 'Jonny_Imposter'. Hah, imagine if he acted like that on Titan.


Quote from: Jonny on 2007-06-12 10:18:09
Please don't confuse him with me!...he's just immature and obviously the server doesn't need that kind of trash talk.

My name will probably be Jonny^ just so i can play on the titan server withought being renamed 'Jonny_Imposter'. Hah, imagine if he acted like that on Titan.

I didn't say Jonny, but i said JonnyB, and everybody knows you wouldn't talk like that :P


Yea i know that i just dont want people thinking im changing my name or anything -

king tibo

 I request a ban against JonnyB for unacceptable behavior ... See yourself

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I dont have the screeen but there is two days in ironigloss you traite me,in french please,of:

"Gros batard d'encul? de ta mere"

I dont translate but it's a lot worst of what jonnyb said...

 This with a very aggressive way and it's not the first time you act like that against me.

So if you are something wrongs with the insulting behaviours start to fix yours first please.



C'?tait en r?plique ? la m?me chose que tu m'avais d?j? dis pr?c?demment mon grand :)

Et t'avais qu'a porter plainte si t'es pas content, je serais banni et tu serais heureux, tu serais bien vu parmis tes potes les whiners 8)

PS : Ca m'?tonnerait que j'ai parl? de ta m?re, c'est pas mon genre ce style d'insulte l?ches.


Employez l'anglais ou prenez-le quelque part autrement - maintenant.

king tibo

"C'?tait en r?plique ? la m?me chose que tu m'avais d?j? dis pr?c?demment mon grand "

I say to you " stop crying reyden"

And you say to me:

"Tg Gros batard d'encul? de ta mere"

You Know  it's thrue and it's not the first time you traite me and my mother like that so stop
lieing u damn hypocrite.

I never insulting youre morther and i never insulting you like that.

I dont have the screeen to prove that but if you want to check annihilator it' was  there is three or four day ,we played ironigloss in the end of the afternoon  or the beguining of evening and the final score of the game  was  3-4 and he insult me in the end of the game when i prevent him to score.

"Et t'avais qu'a porter plainte si t'es pas content, je serais banni et tu serais heureux, tu serais bien vu parmis tes potes les whiners "

I never ask for someone was ban....

You do.


Quote19.40 ?As'ReYd3n[SXDT]: va te faire enculer sale batard
That's all there is.

king tibo

Ok,well there is not my mother this time ,i am sorry for that mistake.(but you already did in the past)

  But like we can see you start to insulting me with a very aggresive behaviour so dont come here
with you morality lesson against jonnyb when as you act worst like him.

Thank you.

PS: I dont ask a ban for this.


Le pauvre, il est devenu parano :(


Alright, JonnyB behaviour hasn't improved, Soup is my witness that he flooded and talked sheyat nonstop last night.

And I don't care who Hatemachine is, but he keeps talk shit to the other team and constantly feeds his arrogance on the cost of all players on the server.
I As a child, I used to chase spidermines